Sasaki Miho
Ohayō gozaimasu, boss! How’s the self-portrait machine going?! Has our parent company reported back to us?
Akira Nomoto
Actually, yes! The Sega CEO just called to tell us that the first 3 self-portrait sticker machines have taken off in Tokyo!
Oh my god, what?!? Are you serious?
Yes! What made you believe in it so much?
I believe the Greeks call it stoicism! Believe in your idea, focus on the positives and it will eventuate, boss.
Ah, it’s interesting! We didn’t think it would work at first. And when Sega told us there wasn’t an audience for it, it solidified our doubts.
It can be hard to face rejection at first. But I soldiered on and look! People seem to love it all over the world.
Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if it made its way outside of arcades. People do love pictures of themselves! Especially when it makes them feel good.
Maybe they’ll need a catchier name than ‘self-portrait’ though. Hah!
I’m sure the young people will think of something. Well done for persisting with your idea and cutting through the noise to fight for what you think will work!
Well, it isn’t easy but I truly believe that if you’re passionate about an idea and you persist through the doubts, when the time is right, it will succeed!
I like your outlook on life, Sasaki. Was it stoicism, you mentioned?
Yeh! Look into it. It might not work in every situation but it certainly works in this one.
Arigatōgo, Sasaki! I will.