How can we all have a good death, when it comes to that?

Go Gentle: Strategy, Branding, Website, Marketing and Content

Art direction was simple and intimate.

A good death in old age is far from certain. Australia had been avoiding the tough conversations around terminal illness and dying with dignity until 2017. Victoria was the first state to finally legalise assisted dying after an exhuasting 23-hour sitting of parliament saw the bill passed.

The law is falling behind

Three out of four Victorians support the idea that we should have choice over how we die when faced with terminal illness. As is often the case, the law is playing catch up with prevailing sentiment and Andrew Denton’s Go Gentle Australia is doing it’s damnedest to help.

Go Gentle Australia’s ‘Stop Victorians Suffering’ logo

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime fight to help people who really need help.”

— Andrew Denton, Founder, Go Gentle Australia

The website for the Victorian campaign helped bring millions of people together.

Hearts and minds

We were engaged in early 2017 to be part of the Victorian team to hopefully make history later that year. From the outset our team and Go Gentle wanted to go right to the heart of the matter with the campaign in Victoria. Research revealed that while we have strong beliefs on the right to die, we have limited bandwidth to think about the issue or have a conversation with others.

The art of political campaigns

Campaign art direction was simple and iconic while we were thorough and detailed in our campaign tactics. Analysis of recent political campaigns showed membership to a campaign is critical to success. While a donation on first site visit is great, if you can gather an email address you have many chances to win their support over time. The campaign site for Stop Victorians Suffering became all about winning the email on first visit.

Photography shoots required extra care.

Custom website applications for lobbying were used.

A/B/C/D & E testing

To bring people to the site and get them on board with the campaign we created a bank of almost 100 variations of headlines and copy for organic and sponsored content. In the first weeks of the campaign we tested the variations in groups testing copy, images and templates to find the winning variations.

It actually happened

With the campaign gaining momentum paid support was put behind the most compelling content and saw SVS hit their fundraising target well ahead of time. Legislation finally entered the lower house of parliament for a vote in late 2017 and to the relief of the campaign team, Victorians affected by terminal illness and the State Government it was passed. Assisted Dying became legal in Victoria in early 2018 and others states are now following suit.


Poster and social media artwork

Skills, people and details

Georgie Batt
Senior Art Director & Designer

Tait Ischia
Senior Copywriter (Today Design)

Warren Davies
Senior Strategist

Matt Sawkill
Technical Lead (Today Design)

Owen Davey
Senior Developer

Adam Morris
Creative Director

Strategy, Art Direction, Copywriting, Design, Marketing, Production, Digital Development

Good Health and Wellbeing (#3)