In a year when everything shocked, is a calm brand what people need?
Joulius: Creative
The cost of living in 2022 had our heads spinning.
By mid’ 2022 the Ukraine invasion, oil shock and soaring cost of living had most of us under a blanket sucking our thumbs at times. Surely we deserved some luck after the early pandemic? In response to this we knew Joulius, an energy efficiency service, needed to show up differently to most digital services. We didn’t want to rock your world, just put a few dollars back in your pocket.
The tech boom of the past two decades has relied on a good deal of hype and magic to enchant us all. Like The Industrial Revolution before it it has offered a new way to create, live and make our lives better. Mobile applications and simple services that do one or two things well have followed the familiar sales path. They offer to take away a pain in your day or add something to it at almost no cost.
But with the proliferation of new tech services and a flood of marketing and content on them in our media landscape everything has started to look and sound the same. Got a problem or a wish? There’s an app for that. In helping Joulius to grow in it’s first year we wanted to be up front and say this service does a little, but that helps a lot over time.
With almost every service over-promising, what if we under-promised?
The first bundle of creative work for the brand by the agency included formats for paid media, direct communications and a member-get-member initiative designed to spread the word about Joulius. From researching and distilling viral mechanics used by tech platforms today we created a way to bring in your network when Joulius began working for you. When you did, you were rewarded along with your connection.
Bill Shock was a phrase well known to anyone running through their household finances. Being a new brand we wanted to right the coattails of a familiar idea and bring something new to it as well. Bill Shock for Joulius became a promotion and viral mechanism to encourage people to loop in their mates about the new service. Some of the most sincere copy for an energy brand in Australia last year was the result.
During the tail end of the pandemic we found easy ways to work with photography talent.
2022: the year of the jaw drop.
Warren Davies
Project Manager, Senior Strategist
Amber Goedegebuure
Design Director
Shyaire Ganglani
ACD – Copywriting
Seamus Feagan
ACD – Art Direction
Shaun Madgwick
Strategy, conceptual creative, creative development, design, production
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