Long or short, good work starts with a brief.
See what we’re working on as each brief drops or pick up the phone and leave your own.

I hope you are all well. I’m getting in touch as I’m looking to get some brand identity and website work done. I moved to Monash University last month to take up a role within an Antarctic research program called Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future (SAEF). The program is to deliver research to understand the environmental changes occurring in the Antarctic region and how we can better protect the region. We’re looking to develop a brand identity and new website. Would you be up for a chat?
Thanks for the chat right now. I’ve attached a brief. The key things are that it is an independent candidate’s campaign that we would want to launch mid November. The priorities would be the branding inc key messages, slogans and style guide plus the website and key collateral. as the campaign progresses we could continue with the other pieces. Let me know.

Hello, we’re hoping you might be able to help, we have a payments product competing with Stripe and Square and we love your Up work. We want to update our design and website and would like to chat.


Hope you’re well and are doing ok with lockdown 5.0! How are you and your team place to help us out with our taglines for our initial marketing campaign?  I’m not 100% happy with the work we’re getting from the copywriter we connected with and I really like some of your thinking during our coffee catch up. Let us know if you have capacity to help us out over the next week.  If so, let’s have a quick call tomorrow.


Hey All or Nothing. Very interested in chatting to you about getting your copyrighting and illustration talents on an upcoming campaign for X.  I’ve attached a short brief and a lot more background about the campaign direction. Look forward to hearing from you!


Hi there,

We would like to refresh our digital presence with a millennial audience in mind.  I’m not sure if you can work with another finance client based on your UP bank relationship, but I thought I’d check 🙂
02.04.2021 08:18

Hi again, Thanks for the conversation. I think it’s on the right path… After the pivot things have flattened out a bit so growth and the brand are our focus for the forseeable future! Speak next week I guess.


07.01.2021 10:57 AM

Hi, it’s [redacted] from [redacted], my number: [redacted].

Um, but I’ll shoot you an email as well in relation to a request for proposal for our website revamp. Okay. Thank you! Bye.

12.01.2020 06:44 AM

Pls review & confirm that the Proposal covers this scope, if not pls provide amended Proposal accordingly.

As mentioned below the purpose of this doc is to provide visual alignment on the scope/requirements for purpose of Proposal evaluation. We anticipate that design & content optimisations can be achieved in the Discovery Stage. Pls call me if you have any questions, concerns.

03.09.2019 9:01 AM

Was great to catch up again. Thanks also for your suggestion on how to engage. Sounds like a great way of a way to move forward from April, and operate within terms that suit the budget cycle from July. Look forward to receiving the scope of work document for review. I’ll run by [redacted] (copied) once received.

Please note, assuming all looks good then just wanted to let you know we have a partner on-boarding process we need to go through with the compliance and risk people. Mostly reviewing some checks and balances. I will follow that up once we’re all happy to proceed.

22.08.2019 12:14 PM

Dear Warren, dear [redacted],

Please find attached the request for quote to design, organise, facilitate and report on the engagement with the homelessness evaluation’s Multi-Disciplinary Working Group.

We welcome your submission by 5 PM on 2nd September 2019. We kindly ask you to also complete the attached Procurement Agreement form with the relevant information.

If you have any questions or would like to further discuss how to best reply to this request, do not hesitate to contact me.

14.08.2018 1:55 PM

Thanks very much. I will send over the signed proposal approval by tomorrow COB. And if the kick off meeting could be on a Mon, Tues or Thursday, that would be ideal.

I also wanted to throw you through some slabs of times that we are available for meetings next week. Hopefully this helps.

Monday 9–10:30; 12:30–3, Tuesday 9–11; 12.30–4:30, Thursday 3–4:30.

23.03.2018 04:18 PM

We’re excited about this project, and excited to see your proposal. I am project lead and am more than happy to speak to you and address any questions you may have. My details are in the RFP.

05.09.2017 4:43 PM

I am pleased to advise that your tender application was successful. The assessors were very impressed with your proposal and the agile approach you will bring to this initiative.

I will be in touch with you regarding the contract and to schedule a date for the project briefing in the coming weeks.

Thank you again for your proposal and we look forward to working with you and your team!

25.05.2017 8:17 AM

We’re finally ready to go after receiving the go-ahead from the powers that be.

A few things to keep in mind: We need a website live on the 7th of June. I still don’t have any photos, images, content. This will be a messy project with potentially lots of requests for changes. I know this is far from ideal…

I don’t know if I told you, but I have a bit of experience getting WP sites up.

02.02.2017 3:06 PM

Thanks for the meeting. A great feeling of excitement is brewing regarding this new work. In terms of when we get to the design phase [redacted] has some design inspiration that we have pulled together that she can share with you. Let her know when relevant. Just CC me to keep me in the loop.

03.04.2017 11:13 PM

Hi guys! Again – excited to have you on board. (have kept missing the C&P folk on the phone – but let’s press on – will e-introduce you in due course). I want to send you a bunch of stuff on top of what I’ve sent. (sorry if some of it doubles up). the top line though is this… let’s get going! We have heaps of creative ideas that have been generated. I’m going to share it all with you and talk about which directions we like etc. You also have our ‘refocussed brief’ doco? Also a bunch of meme-worthy statements/thoughts.

22.03.2017 3:58 PM

Please send through the scope for the proposed work. In the meantime, we need a logo for the website (site still not finished). [Example logo]: but replace the generic leaf with a dope leaf (and maybe incorporate the capsule into bottom leaves, but I’ll leave the aesthetics up to you). Thanks, [redacted]

15.03.2017 8:12 PM

On the brief for the Ad in the Advertiser. As discussed, I’d like to see what can be done to reduce the price or if you could include support with a media release. It seems very high for one ad.

18.01.2017 10:07 AM

Thank you for your call today. I will send a little background information in preparation for our meeting. Hopefully this will help you as you pull together a proposal. We have already established that we need outside assistance to smooth the transition. We hope to clearly articulate our value proposition, the brand, and our set of products and services. We aim to create a new website to be launched on 2nd April. The website will be followed by SEO, updated Adwords campaigns, a facebook page, new digital brochures – potentially segmented into vertical markets. We will also need to create a marketing calendar to include online editorial content, magazine inclusions, exhibitions & conferences relevant to our target audiences. Some of this can be handled internally but we are excited to embrace a fresh approach and THINK BIG!

15.12.2016 5:30 PM

Hi guys, sorry about the delay and silence on my part. I’ve finally had a chance to put a (very brief) brief together. Below is what we’d like to achieve, probably completed in 2 phases, but we’re open to suggestions.

1. Decrease the quote form abandonment rate for Australian visitors
2. Increase conversion rate of Australian visitors to quote form submissions.

We also need to make sure that the changes do not mess with SEO, or deteriorate any of our key metrics. We’d like to get an idea about how much you could improve both goals and over what time frame. If we successfully meet our targets there will be plenty more projects to follow.

05.12.2016 1:40 PM

To be honest, I’m just hoping to have a chat about the business and hear about other ‘disrupter’ clients that you’ve done work for. [redacted] will be joining us and we need to take him on the journey. Our product can be quite complicated and [redacted] is definitely the best person to explain it.

17.11.2014 11:03 AM

Just a heads put that we have just opened up a truckload more classes and have more in the pipeline so are you able to turn it up a gear again now and lets really push hard before the Xmas close.

Got a big idea that needs some love? Kick the footy with Warren and have a huddle.